14 recipes you won't believe actually existed in the 1970s (2024)

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Alfred Hitchco*ck Presents

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12:35AM Alfred Hitchco*ck Presents

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'); $videoEl.append('' + '' + ''); setTimeout(function(){ $('.mute-overlay').on('touchstart click', function(e){ if(e.handled === false) return; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); e.handled = true; player.muted(false); //console.log("volumee " + WVM.activePlayer.volume()); $(this).hide(); $(this).css('display', 'none'); var currentTime = player.currentTime(); if(currentTime < 3){ player.currentTime(0); } var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); adsManager.setVolume(player.volume()); }); $('.video-close-floating').on('click', function(){ WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); player.pause(); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); var adsManager = player.ima.getAdsManager(); if(adsManager){ adsManager.pause(); } }); if(hideClose){ setTimeout(function(){ $('.video-close-floating').css('display', 'none'); $('.video-close-floating').remove(); }, 500); } }, 500); } else{ //wait 500 sec call again setTimeout(function(){ WVM.addMuteButton(videoId, player, hideClose); }, 500); } }; WVM.addFloatingAbility = function(videoId, player){ var deviceName = 'desktop'; if($('#media-container-' + videoId).length > 0){ if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; }else{ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top - $('.next-dropdown-accordion').height(); } if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); }else{ WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT = $('#html5-video-' + videoId).outerHeight(); } WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT = $('#media-container-' + videoId).height(); //console.log("container height: " + WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); $(window).on( "resize", function() { if(deviceName == 'desktop'){ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top; }else{ WVM.VIDEO_TOP = $('#media-container-' + videoId).offset().top - $('.next-dropdown-accordion').height(); 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//only float if playing var isPlaying = WVM['player_state' + videoId]['IS_PLAYING'] || WVM['player_state' + videoId]['AD_IS_PLAYING']; if(isPlaying){ $('.vjs-loading-spinner').hide(); } var offsetFloatAd = 99999999; if(deviceName == 'desktop' && $('#float_anchor').length > 0){ offsetFloatAd = $('#float_anchor').offset().top - WVM.VIDEO_HEIGHT; //console.log("float anchor offset top " + offsetFloatAd); } if($(window).scrollTop() > offset && isPlaying && !WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING']){ $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).height(WVM.CONTAINER_HEIGHT); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'block'); if(!WVM.IS_FLOATING){ changed = true; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventStart); } WVM.IS_FLOATING = true; $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('floating-video'); //set right var sWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var sHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight; if(sWidth > 700 && WADS.IS_STICKING){ $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); 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$('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('mobile-container'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).addClass('promo-playlist'); } //floating-video $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); setTimeout(function(){ var hWrapper = $('.floating-video .hlsvideo-wrapper').height(); var npWidth = $('.floating-video .now-playing-container').height(); var ndWidth = $('.floating-video .next-dropdown-header').height() + 20; var scrollerHeight = sHeight - (hWrapper + npWidth + ndWidth); scrollerHeight = 180; //scrollerHeight = parseInt(scrollerHeight * 0.5); if(WVM.device_name == 'desktop'){ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + " .mobile-list-videos").height(scrollerHeight); } }, 100); } if($(window).scrollTop() < offsetBack || $(window).scrollTop() > offsetFloatAd){ if(WVM.IS_FLOATING){ changed = true; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); } WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'block'); if(WVM['player_state' + videoId]['PROMO_PLAYER']){ $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .now-playing-container').css('display', 'none'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .next-dropdown-accordion').css('display', 'none'); } } if($('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')){ if(deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + videoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').show(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); //console.log("showing desktop"); if(!WVM.player_state111877['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(videoId); } }else{ if(changed){ //default closed for mobile/floating player $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + videoId).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-down'); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + videoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if(currVideoId == '9999999999'){ currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(videoId, currVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + videoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + videoId).html(myTitle); }else{ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').show(); } } }else{ $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); $('#media-container-' + videoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); } } ); $('#media-container-' + videoId + ' .video-close').on('click',function(){ //set back to paused and stop floating WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('desktop-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('mobile-ad-is-sticky'); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); WVM.NO_FLOAT_COOKIE(); player.pause(); player.ima.getAdsManager().pause(); }); } }; WVM.setupCarousel = function(fullVideoId, player){ // initialize Masonry after all images have loaded //alert("setting up carousel"); console.log("setting up carousel on desktop"); $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'block'); WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['CAROUSEL_INIT'] = true; if($('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).length > 0){ var container = document.querySelector('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId); imagesLoaded( container, function() { var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; if(screenWidth > 850){ //alert("setting up carousel3"); WVM.IS_DESKTOP = true; $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId + ' .page-carousel-lg-slides').css('display', 'block'); WVM['player_settings' + fullVideoId].slider = $('#page-carousel-' + fullVideoId).owlCarousel({ loop: false, center: false, nav: false, dots: false, autoplay: false, autoplayHoverPause: true, margin: 25, responsiveClass: true, animateOut: 'slideOutDown', animateIn: 'flipInX', navText : ["",""], responsive:{ 0:{ items:3 } } }); }else{ WVM.IS_DESKTOP = false; $('.page-carousel-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); } }); } }; WVM.setupToggleButton = function(fullVideoId, player){ if($('.nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId).length > 0){ new DG.OnOffSwitchAuto({ cls:'.nextplay-switch-' + fullVideoId, height: 24, trackColorOn:'#F9F9F9', trackColorOff:'#222', textColorOn: '#222', textColorOff: '#222', textOn:'On', textOff:'Off', listener:function(name, checked){ var theVal = 1; if(!checked){ theVal = 0; } $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/update_autoplay_video/', data: { autoplay_on: theVal }, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { WVM['player_settings' + fullVideoId]['autoplay'] = checked; }, error : function(){ console.log("Error loading video"); } }); } }); } }; WVM.setupAccordionButton = function(fullVideoId){ var deviceName = 'desktop'; $('#next-dropdown-accordion-button-' + fullVideoId).on('click', function(){ if($(this).find('i').hasClass('fa-chevron-up')){ //hide $(this).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-down'); if(deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); }else{ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').slideUp(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); } var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if(currVideoId == '9999999999'){ currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); //playerId, mediaId, fieldName var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); //alert("Getting title " + myTitle); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).html(myTitle); }else{ //expand $(this).find('i').addClass('fa-chevron-up'); $(this).find('i').removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); if(deviceName == "desktop" && !$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').css('display', 'block'); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').slideDown(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').hide(); if(!WVM.player_state111877['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(fullVideoId); } }else{ $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.mobile-list-wrapper').slideDown(); $('#media-container-' + fullVideoId + " " + '.page-carousel-wrapper').hide(); if(!$('#media-container-' + fullVideoId).hasClass('floating-video')){ if(!WVM.player_state111877['CAROUSEL_INIT']){ WVM.setupCarousel(fullVideoId); } } } $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'none'); } }); var currVideoId = WVM['player_state' + fullVideoId]['VIDEO_ID']; if(currVideoId == '9999999999'){ currVideoId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } //console.log("current Video " + currVideoId); var nextVideoId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currVideoId); var myTitle = WVM.getPlaylistData(fullVideoId, nextVideoId, 'noprefixtitle'); //console.log("setting title " + myTitle); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).css('display', 'inline'); $('#video-slider-nexttitle' + fullVideoId).html(myTitle); }; WVM.sendbeacon = function(action, nonInteraction, value, eventLabel) { if(WCS.ONLY_CONTENT || WEBVIEW.is_webview){ WEBVIEW.log_stats("video-" + action, value, WCS.THREAD_URL); var eventCategory = 'app_video'; if (window.gtag) { gtag('event', action, { 'event_category': eventCategory, 'event_label': eventLabel, 'value': value, 'non_interaction': nonInteraction }); } }else{ console.log('test'); var eventCategory = 'video'; if (window.gtag) { gtag('event', action, { 'event_category': eventCategory, 'event_label': eventLabel, 'value': value, 'non_interaction': nonInteraction }); } } }; WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex = function(mediaId, returnArrayIndex){ var currId = null; if(mediaId == null){ return null; } var found = false; for(var x =0; x < WVM.playlist_ids.length; x++){ var myMediaId = WVM.playlist_ids[x]; if(myMediaId == mediaId){ found = true; currId = myMediaId; break; } } var nextId = x + 1; if(nextId < WVM.playlist_ids.length && currId !== null){ if(!returnArrayIndex){ return WVM.playlist_ids[nextId]; }else{ return nextId; } } return null; }; WVM.getPlaylistArrayId = function(mediaId){ for(var x =0; x < WVM.playlist_ids.length; x++){ var myMediaId = WVM.playlist_ids[x]; if(myMediaId == mediaId){ return x; } } return null; }; //unimportant stuff like tracking... don't put anything platform specific here WVM.finishPlayer = function(player, playerState, playerSettings){ var percentsPlayedInterval = 25; //player.off('ready'); player.on('ready', function(){ playerState.PLAYER_READY = true; }); //player.off(['waiting', 'pause']); player.on(['waiting', 'pause'], function() { playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; $('.vjs-loading-spinner').removeClass('badspinner'); }); //player.off('playing'); player.on('playing', function() { console.log('playing'); }); player.on('loadedmetadata', function(){ if(playerState.PLAYER_META){ return; } playerState.PLAYER_META = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("loadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); }else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoloadedmetadata", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('adstart'); player.on('adstart', function(){ console.log("starting ads"); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = true; playerState.PLAYED_AD = true; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("adstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoadstart", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('adend'); player.on('adend', function(){ var playPromise = null; console.log("ad end"); playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; setTimeout(function(){ if(!playerState.IS_PLAYING || player.paused()){ } }, 500); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("adend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promoadend", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } }); //player.off('timeupdate'); player.on('timeupdate', function(){ playerState.IS_PLAYING = true; var fullDuration = this.duration() * 1000; var fullCurrent = this.currentTime() * 1000; var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * 100); //console.log("timeupdate " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if(rand > 20){ if(fullDuration > 1 && ((fullDuration - fullCurrent) > 1) && !$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')){ console.log("hiding spinner"); $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner'); } } var duration_time = Math.floor(this.duration()); //this is a hack because the end video event is not firing... var current_time = Math.floor(this.currentTime()); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 10) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ if('desktop' == "iphone" && playerState.AD_ERROR){ console.log("skipped timeupdate end"); }else{ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } } if(!playerState.START_SENT){ if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('start', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); }else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promostart', true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } playerState.START_SENT = true; } var currentTime, duration, percent, percentPlayed, _i; currentTime = Math.round(this.currentTime()); duration = Math.round(this.duration()); percentPlayed = Math.round(currentTime / duration * 100); for (percent = _i = 0; _i <= 99; percent = _i += percentsPlayedInterval) { if (percentPlayed >= percent && __indexOf.call(playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'], percent) < 0) { if (percentPlayed !== 0) { if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon('percent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon('promopercent-' + percent, true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } } if (percentPlayed > 0) { playerState['PERCENTS_TRACKED'].push(percent); } } } }); //player.off('ended'); player.on('ended', function(){ console.log("ended"); playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } if(!playerState.PROMO_PLAYER){ WVM.sendbeacon("complete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } else{ WVM.sendbeacon("promocomplete", true, currId, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE); } console.log("current id " + currId); console.log("playlist ids"); console.log(WVM.playlist_ids); var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); //if(playerSettings.autoplay_next && newMediaId){ if(newMediaId){ WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); }else{ var videoId = playerState.ORIGINAL_ID; WVM['player_state' + videoId]['CANCEL_FLOATING'] = true; WVM.IS_FLOATING = false; window.dispatchEvent(WVM.FloatEventEnd); $('#media-container-' + videoId).css('width', "100%"); $('#media-container-' + videoId).removeClass('floating-video'); $('#media-placeholder-' + videoId).css('display', 'none'); console.log("Playlist complete (no more videos)"); } }); //player.off('adserror'); player.on('adserror', function(e){ //$('#ima-ad-container').remove(); WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000; console.log(e); console.log("ads error"); var errMessage = e['data']['AdError']['l']; playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false; playerState.IS_PLAYING = false; // && errMessage == 'The VAST response document is empty.' if(!playerState.AD_ERROR){ var dTime = new Date().getTime(); WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = WVM.getFirstPrerollUrl(); //console.log("not calling backup ad tag url: " + WVM.adTagUrl); /* WVM.activePlayer.ima.changeAdTag(WVM.adTagUrl + "?" + dTime); WVM.activePlayer.ima.requestAds(); //reload src WVM.activePlayer.src({ src: masterSrc, type: 'video/mp4' }); //firefox *really* hates this load event WVM.activePlayer.load(); */ } playerState.AD_ERROR = true; }); //player.off('error'); player.on('error', function(event) { if (player.error().code === 4) { player.error(null); // clear out the old error player.options().sources.shift(); // drop the highest precedence source console.log("now doing src"); console.log(player.options().sources[0]); player.src(player.options().sources[0]); // retry return; } }); //player.off('volumechange'); player.on('volumechange', function(event) { console.log(event); var theHeight = $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .vjs-volume-level').css('height'); var cssVolume = 0; if(theHeight){ cssVolume = parseInt(theHeight.replace('%', '')); } var theVolume = player.volume(); if(theVolume > 0.0 || cssVolume > 0){ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'none'); }else{ $('#media-container-' + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ' .mute-overlay').css('display', 'block'); } }); //WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //setInterval(function(){ // WVM.reinitRawEvents(playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); //}, 2000); WVM.allPlayers.push(player); } if(!WVM.rawCompleteEvent){ WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state111877']; }; } if(!WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent){ WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function(e){ var playerState = WVM['player_state111877']; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + playerState['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); var fullCurrent = rawVideoElem.currentTime * 1000; var fullDuration = rawVideoElem.duration * 1000; var current_time = Math.floor(rawVideoElem.currentTime); console.log("raw timeupdate: " + fullCurrent + " out of " + fullDuration); if ( current_time > 0 && ( fullCurrent >= (fullDuration - 50) )){ var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID; if(currId == '9999999999'){ currId = WVM.playlist_ids[0]; } var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId); if(newMediaId){ console.log("loading new video from rawtimeupdate"); WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID); } } if(!$('.vjs-loading-spinner').hasClass('badspinner')){ $('.vjs-loading-spinner').addClass('badspinner') } }; } WVM.reinitRawEvents = function(playerId){ var playerState = WVM['player_state' + playerId]; var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById('html5-video-' + WVM['player_state' + playerId]['ORIGINAL_ID'] + '_html5_api'); //COMPLETE EENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false); //TIME UPDATE EVENT if( WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT){ rawVideoElem.removeEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); } rawVideoElem.addEventListener('ended', WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false); WVM['player_state' + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT = true; WVM['player_state' + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true; };

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WVM.autoplayAllowed = true; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = false; callback(); } }) } function checkMutedAutoplaySupport(callback) { canAutoplay .video({ timeout: 500, muted: true }) .then(({ result, error }) => { if(result === false) { // Muted autoplay is not allowed. WVM.autoplayAllowed = false; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = false; } else { // Muted autoplay is allowed. WVM.autoplayAllowed = true; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = true; } callback(); }); } WVM.autoplayAllowed = false; WVM.autoplayRequiresMute = false; WVM.printPromise = function(playPromise, theType){ if (playPromise !== undefined) { playPromise.then(_ => { console.log("PLAY-PROMISE: success for " + theType); }) .catch(error => { console.log("PLAY-PROMISE: failure for " + theType); }); } }; WVM.DO_STARTUP111877 = function(){ var didCheck; if(!didCheck){ checkUnmutedAutoplaySupport(function(){ console.log("is promo"); var maxTries = 10; var imagesInterval = window.setInterval(function(){ try{ if(!google){ console.log("no ads"); } }catch(exx){ console.log("no ads"); window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); } var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; if(screenWidth >= 900){ initPlayer111877(); window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); }else if(screenWidth < 900) { var $promo_mobile = $('#promo_player_mobile'); var $playerElement = $('#promo_player_desktop').first(); $('#promo_player_desktop').first().detach(); $promo_mobile.append($playerElement); setTimeout(function(){ $('.desktop-only').remove(); initPlayer111877(); }, 100); //initPlayer111877(); window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); } else{ console.log("imagesloaded waiiiiiitting"); } }, 500); }); didCheck = true; }else{ var imagesInterval = window.setInterval(function(){ var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth; var playerId = 111877; if(screenWidth > 900){ $('.mobile-only').remove(); initPlayer111877(); }else if(screenWidth <= 900){ var $promo_mobile = $('#promo_player_mobile'); var $playerElement = $('#promo_player_desktop').first(); $('#promo_player_desktop').first().detach(); $promo_mobile.append($playerElement); setTimeout(function(){ $('.desktop-only').remove(); initPlayer111877(); }, 100); } window.clearInterval(imagesInterval); }, 500); } }; WVM.load_script = function(uri){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = uri; tag.async = true; tag.onload = () => { resolve(); }; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; s.appendChild(tag); }); }; var maxWaitTime = 80; var startInterval111877 = setInterval(function(){ var COLLECTORS_CALL = false; var FIRST_TIME_VISITOR = true; if(typeof(TOP_AD_VIEWED) == "undefined"){ TOP_AD_VIEWED = false; } if(WEBVIEW.is_webview || TOP_AD_VIEWED || COLLECTORS_CALL || FIRST_TIME_VISITOR || maxWaitTime < 0){ WVM.DO_STARTUP111877(); window.clearInterval(startInterval111877); }else{ maxWaitTime--; } }, 100); // Helper function to check if element is in view function isElementInView(element) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) ); } // Function to toggle video playback function toggleVideoPlayback(video, isVisible) { let propertyName = 'player_state' + '111877'; //console.log(111877) //console.log(propertyName); // To see what property name is formed console.log(WVM[propertyName].AD_IS_PLAYING); // If the above log shows correct property name if (WVM[propertyName].AD_IS_PLAYING == true) return; if (!WVM.activePlayer) return; if (isVisible) { WVM.activePlayer.play(); } else { WVM.activePlayer.pause(); } } // Event handler for scroll and resize events function checkVideoVisibility() { const videoPlayer = document.getElementById('html5-video-111877'); // Replace with your video element ID const isVisible = isElementInView(videoPlayer); toggleVideoPlayback(videoPlayer, isVisible); } // Add scroll and resize event listeners window.addEventListener('scroll', checkVideoVisibility); window.addEventListener('resize', checkVideoVisibility); // Initial check checkVideoVisibility();

14 recipes you won't believe actually existed in the 1970s (2024)


14 recipes you won't believe actually existed in the 1970s? ›

Reese's Pieces

In the 1970s, Hershey's Chocolate developed a technique called panning, which is the process of sugar-coating a product. This method created Reese's Pieces, a peanut meal coated in chocolate. It successfully launched the snack product and was even known as ET's favorite candy.

What dishes were popular in the 1970s? ›

Brought to you by Coles®.
  • Bombe Alaska. Nothing screams the 70s quite like sponge, ice cream and meringue drenched in rum and set on fire, right? ...
  • Vol-au-vents. ...
  • Mini ham and pineapple pizzas. ...
  • Battenberg cake. ...
  • Scotch eggs. ...
  • Cheese fondue. ...
  • Crepes Suzette. ...
  • Apricot chicken.

What snack food was invented in the 1970s? ›

Reese's Pieces

In the 1970s, Hershey's Chocolate developed a technique called panning, which is the process of sugar-coating a product. This method created Reese's Pieces, a peanut meal coated in chocolate. It successfully launched the snack product and was even known as ET's favorite candy.

What food was popular in 1977? ›

1977: Buffalo Wings

Fried chicken wings coated in cayenne pepper hot sauce and dipped in blue cheese: Who doesn't love that buffalo stuff? The now ubiquitous bar snack was first invented in 1964 at the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, New York, though there are other disputing claims.

How did Americans eat in the 1970s? ›

1970s. The 1970s marked the start of a reduction in our intake of vegetables. The average person ate a pound of red meat each week, compared to just over half of that today. Fruit juice arrived in the shops but only one in ten people consumed it regularly.

What was 70s hippie food? ›

The cuisine that the counterculture took to in the late 1960s, and then helped introduce to the mainstream in the 1970s, embraced whole grains and legumes; organic, fresh vegetables; soy foods like tofu and tempeh; nutrition-boosters like wheat germ and sprouted grains; and flavors from Eastern European, Asian, and ...

What food was invented in 1970? ›

1970: Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn is introduced. Agronomist Redenbacher has found a yellow corn that expands nearly twice as much as other brands. In five years, it will be the country's largest-selling brand. 1970: Hamburger Helper is introduced.

What candy was invented in the 1970s? ›

Laffy Taffy, just like some of the best things in life, made its dazzling debut in the 1970s! This taffy candy is famous for its phenomenal tasting fruity flavours.

What was the most popular food in 1973? ›

1973: Chilli Con Carne

This classic combination of minced beef and kidney beans has been a treasured recipe ever since.

What food came out in 1974? ›

Throwback Thursday: 5 Fun Food Ads From 1974
  • Kraft Singles. Is there anything more classically American than a grilled cheese sandwich? ...
  • Ragu Spaghetti Sauce. There are some timeless staples, and spaghetti sauce is no exception. ...
  • Kraft Squeez-A-Snak Cheese. ...
  • Kraft Real Mayonnaise. ...
  • Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese.
Feb 20, 2014

What food was invented in 1972? ›

1972: McDonald's Egg McMuffin

To entice breakfast customers, owner Herb Peterson layered Canadian bacon, eggs and cheese on an English muffin. He even created the mold for that innovative round egg.

What was the most popular food in 1972? ›

The 1972 Dinners
  • Beef Stew.
  • Veal Chops With Mushroom Sauce.
  • Chicken With Pineapple.
  • Fish Steaks With Herbs.
  • Stuffed Crown Roast of Pork.
  • Deviled Rock Lobster Tails ♥
  • Calico Potato Salad.
  • Quiche Lorraine (Swiss Cheese Pie)

Why was jello so popular in the 1970s? ›

It's cheap, aesthetically pleasing (by the standards of the day), and relatively easy to prepare.

What did they use instead of meat in the 1970s? ›

As of April 1973, the lab had identified three likely sources for making plant-based, meatless protein: canola (then known in Canada as rapeseed), sunflower seeds, and soybeans. "It is quite possible now to produce meat substitutes which smell and taste exactly like meat," De Man added.

What was hot in the 1970s? ›

Bell bottom pants, flowing maxi dresses, ponchos, leisure suits, frayed jeans and earth tones dominated 1970s fashion.

What fast food was popular in the 1970s? ›

The first Wendy's opened in 1969 and dominated fast food into the 1970s. It was unique thanks to its square hamburger patties and the introduction of a salad bar in 1979. The famous Frosty was one of the original items on the menu in 1969, and is still one of Wendy's best-selling products today.

What was in the 70s buffet? ›

For a buffet you'd need devilled eggs, cheese and silver skin onion / pineapple hedgehog, twiglets, Black Forest gateaux for pud, mushroom and/or prawn vol-au-vents and if you're posh you need a poached salmon deforested with cucumber 'scales'.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.