Polyjuice Potion Recipe - TGIF - This Grandma is Fun (2024)

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Attention all the Harry Potter fans out there! This is not an ordinary recipe – but a green, fizzy and tasty one. Take your party to the next level and impress your grandchildren with this kid-friendly Polyjuice Potion recipe.

As you probably know, Harry Potter’s Birthday is tomorrow! (Let the Harry Potter Parties commence!) This Harry Potter Polyjuice Potion Recipe is here to help you celebrate!

It looks and tastes amazing! The best part? This recipe is crazy easy to make, too!

Your grandkids will love it!

Polyjuice Potion Recipe - TGIF - This Grandma is Fun (1)

What is A Polyjuice Potion?

If your grandkids are Harry Potter fans, you should know a little bit about wizards and potions.

This potion makes the person who drinks it assume the appearance of somebody else. But first, he has to possess a part of his body to add to the brew. It means that in the brew there should be a hair or other part of the person. It is also one of the most difficult and time-consuming potions.

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Which color is best for the Polyjuice Potion recipe?

The original potion changes color depending on the person you want to impersonate. It reacts to the nature of the person to be imitated. In fact, when everyone became Harry Potter, the Polyjuice Potion was golden in color.

In the recipe, we use neon-bright green coloring because it is very wizardry and beautiful.

Feel free to use different coloring of your choice. The best option would be natural colorings like beetroot, blue spirulina, turmeric, or mango powder. It depends on the color your want to create.

How to serve a Polyjuice potion?

Because there is Sprite in the potion, it tastes best when you serve it cold and in a tall glass. You can also make small shots of the Polyjuice potion as a welcome drink for your party. Make labels for your food and drinks, it will add to the excitement. And it is fun, too!

To have more bubbling and foam, make the potions right before the party starts. As it tends to dissolve over time.

You know how all the potions have some kind of fumes coming out of them. So, we need a bubbly ingredient. You can easily create this using a dash of vinegar and baking soda. It will create some bubbling out of the glass. Your grandkids will be so excited to see this!

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What else do you need for your perfect Harry Potter-themed party?

I’ve really missed the Harry Potter craze. The midnight book-selling parties and movie premieres with fans decked out in costume. Now that the series is finished, there are a lot fewer opportunities to get together with my fellow book nerds and party. Thank heavens for Harry Potter parties!

If you want to see other awesome Harry Potter Party ideas you need to check out the blog Raegun Ramblings! She has put together more Harry Potter roundups than I have ever seen!

The theme is wizards and magic, so you need to create this feeling in the atmosphere. It is time to get creative!

Make your home look like Hogwarts using these amazing tips:

  • invitations with wizards and sorting hat elements
  • give your room a wizardry feel
  • make potions and other magical snacks, food, and drinks
  • add an owl element
  • decorate with books of spells
  • use some Harry Potter sticker labels on the bottles of the drinks to make authentic wizardry feel
  • place Harry Potter-inspired labels on the table and try to come up with some witty and magical names for your food and drinks.
  • display your Harry Potter hardcover books
  • have a Harry Potter photo booth with a sorting hat or a magic wand

To set the mood for your Harry Potter party you need to gather everything you have in your house that you can relate to the topic. In fact, it includes all of your Harry Potter hardcover books.

Add an owl element to make the atmosphere more wizardry. For instance, come up with names for your Harry Potter-inspired party food, such as Elixir of Life, Unicorn Blood, and much more. Search the internet for some witty names and print them on cardboards. Put labels next to every one of the food snacks and drinks.

What is a party without any fun games? Undoubtedly, these will make your grandkids busy for a while – creating magic wands and play wizards. For example, have a Harry Potter quiz and entertain your grandkids while drinking a Polyjuice Potion. It is a great way to strengthen the bond with them and have fun together.

Bring some fruits and veggies to the table, too. Your grandkids will like the bright colors and would want to have some.

In Hogwarts, there are secret paths and mysterious things hidden around every corner. You can create this feeling by simply hiding some things and make your guests find them.

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Another surprise for you

We’ve teamed up with our Harry Potter-obsessed blogger friends to bring you a sweet giveaway package! Enter below to win some awesome Harry Potter swag!

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The Polyjuice Potion recipe

Just three ingredients are necessary! As a matter of fact, all you need is a little Sprite, lime sherbet, and food coloring if you want the green to pop!

Actually, I got this idea when I saw some fun Harry Potter potion roundups and started searching for non-alcoholic versions. I found a vibrant green Polyjuice Potion Punch on Pinterest from Cooking with Curlsand fell in love with the color!

It was easy to make this recipe non-alcoholic for a kid-friendlyversion.

Polyjuice potion recipe is:

      • kid-friendly
      • easy to make
      • non-alcoholic
      • fizzy drink
      • great party punch
      • with bright color
      • tasty and refreshing
      • the ultimate welcome drink for Harry Potter fans

As you probably know, Harry Potter’s Birthday is tomorrow – the 31st of July! (Let the Harry Potter Parties commence!) This awesome Harry PotterPolyjuice Potion Recipeis here to help you celebrate!

Actually, if you don’t find this exact color, use another one that you like.

And now for the Polyjuice Potion Punch recipe!

Polyjuice Potion Punch (Non-alcoholic)


This is seriously so easy to make! Consider it potions 101!

5 from 2 votes

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Total Time 5 minutes mins

Course Harry Potter Potion


  • Lime Sherbet 1/2 gallon
  • Sprite 2 liters
  • Neon Green Food Coloring a few drops


  • Use scissors to cut open the lime sherbet carton and place it in your punch bowl.

  • Slowly poor 2 liters of Sprite into the bowl (it will bubble and foam).

  • Add a few drop of the food coloring, until the green really pops!

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Fun Harry Potter activities for your party

You have this bubbling Polyjuice potion recipe! What is next? You need to think of a way to incorporate it into your party and have fun with it.

We have some fun activities for your and your grandkids to try and make your family time memorable.

      • Try science experiments for kids and make more potions.
      • Try to make different colors of the potion and put it in small glass bottles with labels. The same like wizards in Hogwarts do.
      • Your grandkids can make a drawing of Harry Potter and the Polyjuice potion.
      • Play a game when somebody drinks the potion to become somebody else, and the other players should guess who that person is.
      • Potions was a class at the Hogwarts school where Harry Potter was a student. You can create a fun game with your grandkids and learn about potions and play wizards.
      • Have a Harry Potter quiz.
      • Create Harry Potter wands.

Facts about Harry Potter to help you impress your grandchildren

Are your grandchildren obsessed with Harry Potter? It is the reason why you know a little about Hogwarts, muggles, potions, and the main characters in the book. But it is not enough.

You are a modern grandparent, and you should know more about your grandchildren’s favorite movies and books. What is more, this way you can bond with them much more and show that you are interested in their passion:

      • Rowling and Harry Potter share a birthday.
      • In Hogwarts, there are no lifts or escalators, but a lot of stairs.
      • Every portrait in Hogwarts is magically animated. They can go and visit other portraits, as well.
      • All witches and wizards can see the ghosts.
      • Hogwarts castle is somewhere in Scotland.
      • Harry and Voldemort are distant relatives.

Create conversations, ask questions and show them you care. Learn these facts and impress them!

When is the time to make Polyjuice Potion Recipe?

Are you planning a family movie night or a party inspired by the Harry Potter series? This Polyjuice Potion recipe is a great choice for you. Especially, if you want to make the experience more magical and wizardry.

It is perfect for:

      • The ultimate Harry Potter movie-night
      • Harry Potter-themed party
      • Halloween party
      • Grandkids birthday parties
      • Bookclub parties
      • Harry Potter theme day
      • Family dinner inspired by Harry Potter
      • Movie marathon night

Polyjuice Potion Recipe - TGIF - This Grandma is Fun (7)

In conclusion

In short, get creative and make your party entertaining with this Polyjuice Potion recipe.
It is time to make some family memories inspired by our beloved Harry Potter series! Have fun with potions, owls, magic wands, books of spells, and everything wizardry!

Your Harry Potter party will rock!

Did you like this Polyjuice Potion recipe? You need to check out these other Harry Potter-inspired blog posts:

  • 101 ideas for the ultimate Harry Potter party
  • 21 essential gifts for Harry Potter fans
  • 25 simple witchcrafts and treats
  • Candy filled McGonagall hats
  • Butterbeer shakes and pumpkin pasties




Polyjuice Potion Recipe - TGIF - This Grandma is Fun (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.