Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (2024)

jelena2024-03-11T16:11:18+01:00Tags: beauty, foreo, hair removal, IPL|

  • Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (1)

Do you feel like shaving, tweezing, plucking, or waxing is taking up too much of your precious time and causing you unwanted pain? If so, it may be time to consider a long-lasting hair removal solution such as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology. IPL devices have become increasingly popular amongst beauty enthusiasts who are looking for an effective way to permanently reduce their body hair in the privacy and comfort of their own home. In this blog post, we are going to look at the pros and cons of using IPL hair removal devices so that you can make sure it’s the right choice for you!


  • What is IPL?
  • How Does IPL Work?
  • Pros of IPL Hair Removal Devices
    • Long-lasting results
    • Is IPL safe?
    • Efficacy
    • Comfort and Convenience
    • Cost-effectiveness
  • Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices
  • What About IPL Devices You Can Use at Home?

What is IPL?

So, what exactly is IPL? Let’s break it down. IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a cutting-edge technology that harnesses the power of light energy to zap away unwanted hair. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? But, it’s very real, and it’s changing the way we think about hair removal.The light pulses force the root of the hair to go into a resting phase – which means the hair you have in the treated area falls out, and over time your body gradually grows less hair there. So IPL can replace shaving, waxing, or epilating.

How Does IPL Work?

The light pulses are absorbed by the pigment in the hair (called melanin). When this happens, the buildup of energy is converted to heat—similar to a black T-shirt on a sunny day. As the heat travels down the hair, it causes heat damage to the hair follicle and disables the cells that produce new hairs, resulting in smooth, hair-free skin.

How to Remove Ingrown Hair the Right Way

Pros of IPL Hair Removal Devices

IPL treatments, even those you can do at home, are very popular because of the advantages they offer over other hair removal methods. Here are some of the benefits.

Long-lasting results

IPL treatments, according to astudyin the Journal of Clinical Aesthetic Dermatology, show that people get 83.3% less hair growth after one month and 78.1% less after three months. Results can last for years or even permanently. This makes IPL an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy long-lasting smoothness.

Is IPL safe?

  • Minimal Risk: Home IPL devices are low-risk compared to traditional methods like shaving, waxing, threading, or chemical depilatories. These alternatives can cause skin irritation, burns, or allergic reactions.
  • Non-Invasive: IPL is non-invasive, meaning it doesn’t penetrate deep layers of skin. Unlike electrolysis (which involves inserting a needle into hair follicles), IPL doesn’t puncture the skin, reducing the risk of infection.
  • No Harsh Chemicals: Unlike depilatory creams that contain strong chemicals, IPL doesn’t rely on harsh substances. It’s a light-based technology that targets melanin in hair follicles without damaging the surrounding skin.


  • Long-Term Reduction: Home IPL devices offer long-term hair reduction. With consistent use, they can significantly reduce hair growth over time. Traditional methods provide temporary results, requiring frequent maintenance.
  • Precision: IPL devices allow precise targeting of specific areas. You can focus on upper lip hair, chin, or bikini line without affecting nearby skin. Waxing or shaving may accidentally remove more hair than intended.
  • Consistency: Regular IPL sessions ensure consistent results. Traditional methods often depend on salon appointments, while home IPL treatments can be done at your convenience.

Shaving vs. Waxing: What Is the Best Method for Hair Removal?

Comfort and Convenience

  • Painless: IPL treatments are generally painless. You might feel a mild warmth or tingling sensation during the process, but it’s far less uncomfortable than waxing or threading.
  • At-Home Use: Home IPL devices allow you to manage hair removal in the comfort of your own space – without having to schedule salon visits or endure awkward positions during treatments.
  • Time-Saving: Traditional methods can be time-consuming. Shaving daily or waxing every few weeks adds up. IPL treatments are quicker and require less frequent attention.


  • Long-Term Savings: While the initial investment in a home IPL device might seem higher, consider the long-term savings – no need to buy razors, wax strips, or pay for salon services repeatedly.
  • No Consumables: Unlike razors or wax strips, IPL devices don’t require ongoing consumables. Once you own the device, you’re set for multiple sessions.

Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices

Although there are many benefits to using an IPL device, there are also some risks and downsides to consider.

Multiple Treatments Required:IPL devices typically require a series of treatments for optimal results. Achieving lasting hair reduction can take 6 to 8 sessions over several months. Patience is essential, as results take some time.

Limited Range of Hair and Skin Colors:The effectiveness of IPL devices depends on the contrast between skin and hair pigments. They work best when there’s a significant difference. As a result, these systems are recommended for people with light skin and dark hair. Darker skin tones or light-colored hair may not respond as effectively.

Higher Initial Cost:While home IPL devices offer long-term savings, the initial investment can be higher. Yes, quality devices come with a price tag, but budget-friendly options may compromise efficacy.

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Overall, if you are looking for a long-lasting and effective hair removal solution, anIPL device can be a great choice. However, it is important toconsider the pros and cons before making a decision. Be sure to consult your doctor or dermatologist with any questions or concerns.

What About IPL Devices You Can Use at Home?

At-home IPL devices offer the same technology as professional treatments, but they are designed to be used in the comfort of your home. The main advantage of using an at-home IPL device is that it can save you time and money since there is no need to visit a salon or dermatologist. However, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and use the device as directed.

We cannot feel this article is complete without mentioning whyPEACH™ 2IPL Hair Removal Device stands out as an excellent choice when considering the best IPL solution for you. This FDA-approved device combines cutting-edge technology with a user-friendly design. It utilizes professional-grade IPL technology for effective hair reduction, targeting melanin in hair follicles. Rest assured that your skin remains safe while achieving optimal efficacy from the device. Gentle and comfortable, PEACH™ 2 delivers treatments without the pain associated with waxing or shaving. Consistent use provides long-lasting results, making it a cost-effective investment. Convenient for home use,PEACH™ 2lets you manage unwanted hair on your terms.

Remember, consistency is key. Stick to your IPL routine, and you’ll be flaunting hair-free skin in no time. These devices offer long-lasting hair reduction, sparing you from frequent maintenance. They have favorable safety profiles, minimizing burns or irritation. Convenience is key — no more salon appointments. Treat unwanted hair in the comfort of your own home.

Get PEACH™ 2 IPL device

Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (2)

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About the Author: jelena

Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (3)

Working as a storyteller at a Swedish beauty-tech powerhouse is an everyday opportunity to combine my biggest passions: beauty, a healthy lifestyle, and nature. I love everything about clean beauty and natural skincare products while enjoying learning and writing tips&tricks that, hopefully, make everyone’s life easier and better.

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  1. Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (12)

    megelin at - Reply

    Achieve Beautifully Smooth Skin at Home with Our Revolutionary IPL Hair Removal Devices! Discover the Power of Advanced Technology for Effortless Hair Removal. Say Goodbye to Unwanted Hair and Hello to Confidence!

  2. Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (13)

    James at - Reply

    The beauty of the body is increased through make-up. So beauty is not enhanced by simple make-up. Hair removal is important for skin care and body beauty. And if it is a permanent solution, then why not? Thanks for sharing such a nice article with me.

    • Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (14)

      franka at - Reply

      Dear James, your comments made us so happy. We are glad your enjoyed the article :)

Pros and Cons of IPL Hair Removal Devices - MYSA (2024)


Are IPL hair removal devices worth it? ›

IPL treatments, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Aesthetic Dermatology, show that people get 83.3% less hair growth after one month and 78.1% less after three months. Results can last for years or even permanently. This makes IPL an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy long-lasting smoothness.

Who is not suitable for IPL hair removal? ›

It does not work well on dark skin

Laser hair removal works better on people with pale skin and dark hair. It's not as effective on tanned skin or hair that's been bleached by the sun. If you've got a tan you'll need to let it fade before having treatment.

Who is not a good candidate for IPL hair removal? ›

People with tanned or darker skin tones may not be good candidates for IPL procedures. Other treatments, such as RF microneedling, might provide a safer, more effective option.

Can you use IPL on pubic hair? ›

IPL hair removal is a progressive treatment that offers full body hair removal - but you can use IPL to treat separate areas, such as your arms, legs, or pubic area, depending on your individual needs. When using IPL, you'll hold a flashgun device that delivers a spectrum of light to the skin.

Is IPL damaging to the skin? ›

This heat emulates a superficial injury, but unlike a burn, it won't cause damage. Instead, IPL activates the skin's natural healing processes without actually harming dermal tissue, breaking down the dark pigment inside age spots, vessels, and freckles.

Does IPL really remove hair permanently? ›

Neither treatment is permanent permanent, but the results for both IPL and laser hair removal can last for months, and both devices are FDA-approved for reducing the amount of hair regrowth over time. The IPL treatment might save you some discomfort compared to laser, though.

Does IPL eventually stop hair growth? ›

Many people report they achieve permanent hair reduction after just a few treatments. However, some people may require touch-ups every few years to keep those hair bulbs from sprouting out new follicles. IPL hair removal treatments are a great way to achieve long-lasting results without the hassle of shaving or waxing.

Is IPL better than shaving? ›

Smoother skin: Shaving can be quite traumatic for the skin and many people suffer from rashes or bumps. IPL means that the skin doesn't need to undergo such harsh treatment, which is beneficial for its condition and appearance.

Where should you not use IPL? ›

Do not use IPL on skins with dense melanin or on large moles, birthmarks, tattoos or artificial tan. IPL works by having the melanin (the thing that gives our hair and skin a dark colour) absorb the light energy in order to do its work. Skin with dense melanin/ dark skin tone will confuse the IPL.

What happens if you don't shave for IPL? ›

If you forget to shave, the effectiveness of your treatment may diminish. The laser, instead of focusing on the follicles, might target surface hair. This can lead to heightened discomfort, potential stinging, and a risk of burns. Surface impurities like dirt and oil can also reduce efficacy.

What happens if you use IPL too often? ›

IPL is most effective while your hair is in the growth phase –if you treat your skin multiple times a week, your hair can become dormant and IPL treatment won't work as well. Additionally, while IPL is a gentle treatment, too much of it can be a bad thing. If you use IPL too frequently, you can irritate your skin.

Are there any dangers with IPL? ›

Blistering and scarring are rare but potential side effects of IPL treatments, particularly in individuals with sensitive skin. These effects are more likely to occur when higher-intensity settings are used.

Will hair fall out after IPL? ›

After IPL hair removal

The hair will appear to grow (though very slowly) for 2 to 4 weeks and should then fall out; this is the treated hair being pushed out of the follicle, not new growth. Any hair that does not fall out was either too fine, too light, too deeply rooted or possibly wasn't treated.

Can you pluck hair on IPL? ›

Avoid Plucking or Waxing:

Please do not wax or pluck regrowth during this time. If necessary, shave the hairs where or when needed. If possible, especially if it is your first IPL/Laser treatment with Laser HRH, try not to shave the area until the hair falls out.

What are the long term effects of IPL hair removal? ›

Even better, over time IPL will help reduce your hair growth in the long term. Not only will the hair be gone after one use, but with consistent use, your hair will grow back slower and finer. Eventually, it will grow so slowly that you may not need a touch-up for months.

What are the side effects of IPL? ›

Although side effects of IPL are typically rare and minimal in severity, the most common adverse events include pain and erythema. Other reported side effects include edema, bullae, hematoma, crusting, hyper- or hypopigmentation, leukotrichia, scarring, keloid formation, and infection.

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